lunedì, Marzo 17, 2025
TecnologiaTwitch switches PogChamp emote every 24 hours

Twitch switches PogChamp emote every 24 hours


Earlier this week, Twitch made the decision with Remove PogChamp expression From their stand after the person whose face was leaned made inflammatory comments about the violent riots in the US Capitol Building. The reference to a shocking facial expression became a staple both in Twitch and in gaming circles in general, so they didn’t want to let the PogChamp spirit go forever. For now, they decide to “handle it” and replace it with a new face of surprise every 24 hours.

Seems like twitch Suggestion Introduced by Sean “Day9” Plott to create a set of shocking facial emotions and choose a random one every time a PogChamp emote is used. They don’t exactly do that, but they do sourcing faces.

“In the spirit of discovering 2021 together,” they say, Twitch will receive a shiny new global PogChamp every 24 hours. First, it appears that the new PogChamp is Kenny “UnRooolie” McWild who They threw his face up To be considered as a possible alternative. Of course, there is a file Much Other signage They set their faces up on their own Pogs possible in response to a Twitch advertisement.

For now at least, it looks like we will be dealing with a new face of shock and awe every day. I can’t imagine Twitch will keep this strategy indefinitely, but it will give them time to come up with a permanent solution, be it a bunch of potential PogChamps or the new standard Pog for everyone. Previously, Twitch said they wanted to “work with the community to design a fresh expression for the most hype on Twitch.”

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Until tomorrow, Unrooolie is the PogChamp of your choice.

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