During his three decades at Nintendo, Takaya Imamura I’ve worked on some of the company’s most popular games, including F-zeroAnd the Fox starAnd and The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask. He also designed Tingle, for that, we’ll forever be grateful.
Today, on his own Facebook pageImamura uploaded a selfie taken outside Nintendo’s headquarters in Kyoto and wrote, “This is my last day at work. I took a selfie with the empty desk. I think I won’t come here anymore. As you’d expect, I’ll miss it.” Imamura expressed his gratitude for the past 32 years.
[Note that he mentioned the company is empty because many Nintendo staffers are working from home due to the pandemic.]
Imamura first joined Nintendo in 1989 as a graphic designer, cutting his teeth F-zero. He went to work Fox star, Modeling characters after mates: Fox McCloud, for example, was based on Shigeru Miyamoto, and Tingle’s design. Imamura also worked as a supervisor of Smash Bros.
We thank Imamura for all the wonderful characters and games and wish him an enjoyable retirement.
“Pluripremiato studioso di zombi. Professionista di musica. Esperto di cibo. Piantagrane”.