mercoledì, Marzo 12, 2025
DivertimentoRoundup Roundup: Royal Rumble Match, Kurt Angle, Loss of WrestleMania, More!

Roundup Roundup: Royal Rumble Match, Kurt Angle, Loss of WrestleMania, More!


Speculating on the rumors surrounding pro wrestling is a favorite pastime for many fans, perhaps second only to watching the matches already. In this daily column, we take a look at the latest rumors raised by the professional wrestling rumor mill.

Important reminder: rumors are just rumors. None of this has ever been confirmed to be fact, it’s just circulation around the professional wrestling rumor mill. We track the accuracy of the rumors on a weekly feature called Rumor Look Back that you can find Here. Remember, take it all with a grain of salt.

Today’s rumors:

  • There is at least some speculation that Adam Pierce will not end up being Roman Reigns’ opponent in the Royal Rumble after all, and Kevin Owens will get that spot.
  • Kurt Angle said on his Facebook page that he could not make WWE Legends Night due to a prior commitment that he was unable to get out of.
  • WrestleMania 24 It was withdrawn from the WWE Network recently and speculation is that it has something to do with the music rights and will soon be restored.
  • for every Wrestling IncDalton Castle, a free agent now. Ring of Honor appears to have offered him a good deal but he is exploring his options.
  • And the He says that Rush and Dragon Lee are expected to sign new deals with Ring of Honor over the next week.

If you’ve heard any interesting rumors that you’d like to add, feel free to post them in the comments section below. Just remember that they are rumors and have not been confirmed as fact so please take it that way. And check the weekly rumors, look back Here To keep track of the validity of the rumors.

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