martedì, Marzo 4, 2025
DivertimentoHow "driver's license" made Spotify history

How “driver’s license” made Spotify history


“Driver’s License” by Olivia Rodrigo, a 17-year-old Disney actress who recently starred High School Musical: The Musical: The Series, she has Spotify Broken Records For the most-streamed song of the day.

“Driver’s license” has catapulted to # 1 on the Spotify charts in just one week of its release. On Tuesday, it had aired over 17 million times, the most for a single day song ever, a Spotify representative confirmed to BuzzFeed News.

The song is a melodramatic pop song about freeing to get a driver’s license so that the protagonist can see his partner on his own terms – only to have that dream crushed by their separation. “Yeah, I’ve said forever / Now I’m driving alone by your street,” Rodrigo Cron. Rising melody, in particular, painfully conveys the listener into high school life drama, love and heartbreak.

Amid the chaos of the present moment, the song gives young people – and even adults – permission to step back just to worry about vulgar teen drama.

The song is now one of the top trending voices on TikTok, which also helps its popularity grow and grow. The more Rodrygo and others promoted the song on the app, the more people were forced to listen to the full song on Spotify. As more people are listening, others keep posting about it on TikTok and platforms like Twitter and Instagram. And on and on.

At the moment, TikTok is packed with jokes about both Gossip And the Obsession About the song. (On top of her popularity, there are rumors of Rodrigo’s de facto love triangle with her ex-husband High School Musical Costar.) People comment online on the extent of the strike.

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Even Taylor Swift, who is owned by Rodrigo Publicly idolizedCongratulations on her Instagram caption. It’s speculated that Charlie Di Amelio gave her her most passionate choreography.

The “drivers’ license” breaks through the mud for 2021 in a major but simple way. This is because the song (its title is deliberately low) is from this specific moment. It’s a moment when Swift helped carry her own small-letter albums from 2020 that made a huge impact despite her introverted feeling.

In quarantine, Swift created inside music. People stuck at home crave music that was heavy on storytelling and melodies focused on their feelings. Here, Rodrygo really gave it the most basic way, and I mean it as a compliment.

For American teens, their formative and experimental years have been violently interrupted by the pandemic. They grew up knowing economic instability, and the Trump administration has awakened their political awareness. They deserve an uncomplicated song that talks about the smallness of their world – crushing and dreaming about the future and negotiating freedom with their parents.

Hell, I, almost 30 years old, have a hard time wrestling with the absurdity of our democracy, and give my “driver’s license” I am Consolation. I was immediately taken to high school, after being crushed, dreaming of my future writing, and arguing about curfew.

Plus, “driver’s license” is simply a great song.

It’s a sad song, but it’s kind of sad that is easy to get to.

Heartbreak is one of the most common teenage grief experiences, and many people joke about it on social media.

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